Company officials today announced the award of a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract extension, worth $65,000 from the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) – Aircraft Division. Vibrant successfully completed a Phase I project and has been awarded a Phase I option to continue work on developing a cost effective nondestructive system to facilitate high-rate, high-precision, hybrid-bearing inspection.

Vibrant President, Lem Hunter said, “This project is a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate the Process Compensated Resonance Testing (PCRT) capability where conventional inspection techniques fall short. The system has already demonstrated its ability to detect manufacturing defects and surface defects caused by process issues. This is a big win for Vibrant.” Vibrant fully anticipates the awarding of a Phase II contract for this project. A Phase II contract could be for as much as $750,000.

About Vibrant Corporation

Vibrant Corporation provides nondestructive testing services to customers in the aerospace manufacturing and maintenance markets. The Company helps its manufacturing customers to increase production yields while decreasing the likelihood of type two failures, and helps its MRO customers to identify damaged or aged components sooner than has ever been possible. Vibrant serves nationwide and international customers from its headquarters in Albuquerque, NM.

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