In Company News

Company officials today announced the commencement of independent operations. Vibrant Corporation, a spin out of Albuquerque, New Mexico based Mechtronic Solutions, Inc. (MSI), is commercializing a nondestructive testing technology initially developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory. “With the incubation of the technology and business infrastructure complete, it is time for Vibrant to leave the nest,” said Vibrant CEO Lem Hunter. “We owe a lot to MSI. They provided Vibrant with a springboard. In record time, Vibrant has been able to incubate the technology and effectively manage business infrastructure cost,” Hunter said.

The technology, Process Compensated Resonance Testing (PCRT), is licensed from Quasar International. Quasar, who has spent over 10 years and more than $7 million perfecting PCRT, is commercializing the technology in the automotive market. The patented process involves the study of the complex resonances of components using proprietary software. “You can think of it like a bell; all bells ring a little bit differently, and by studying the resonances we can tell you a lot about the bell,” says Mike Silva, Director of Aerospace Operations for Vibrant. “PCRT is the only nondestructive testing technology that can be directly correlated to the structural integrity of tested components,” said Silva.

About Vibrant Corporation

Vibrant Corporation provides nondestructive testing services to customers in the aerospace manufacturing and maintenance markets. The Company helps its manufacturing customers to increase production yields while decreasing the likelihood of type two failures, and helps its MRO customers to identify damaged or aged components sooner than has ever been possible. Vibrant serves nationwide and international customers from its headquarters in Albuquerque, NM.

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