In Company News

For the 52nd time, the Air Transport Association has held the Nondestructive Testing Forum. This year nearly 140 aerospace NDT professionals gathered in Atlanta to hear more than 25 technical papers and talks focus on NDT developments and applications in commercial aviation. One paper, delivered by Vibrant Corporation, detailed the application of Process Compensated Resonance Testing to turbine engine components at Delta Techops. Delta also hosted a tour of their Atlanta maintenance and overhaul facility, which included a demonstration of production PCRT testing of the JT8D 1st stage turbine blade. 

About Vibrant 

Vibrant is a spin off of Mechtronic Solutions, Inc. that has commercialized Process Compensated Resonance Testing (PCRT) for use in the aerospace and power generation industries. The PCRT technology, licensed from Magnaflux Quasar, is a revolutionary non-destructive testing technology that can determine if a component is structurally sound and fit for service. Vibrant has developed PCRT applications focused on the safety critical components found in the aerospace industry. These applications bring the power of PCRT to bear on new product quality control and in-service product degradation tracking. Vibrant is now performing testing services for several major aerospace manufacturers and Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) firms. 

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